Located in the heart. Air influences matters of the heart such as compassion, love, forgiveness. This chakra is in the center of your energy body, and cultivates the practice of balance.

Breath is the most powerful medicine you have access to. Breath enlivens your body, calms the mind, and ignites Spirit. Your breath is a part of the Respiratory System of the planet. Plants exhale the oxygen we need, and we exhale the Carbon Dioxide plants needs. We literally breathe the world alive with each inhale & exhale.
Air is the element that enlivens the Heart Chakra, which influences matters of the heart such as compassion, forgiveness and love. The Heart Chakra governs themes of relationship, both personally and with the collective of all things in this world.
The Heart Chakra is located at the center of your energy being, calling for the cultivation of balance in your life; between inhaling & exhaling, receiving & giving, body & mind, internal & external.
EcoSoul Experiences for the Heart Chakra
Engaged Compassion
Conscious & Ceremonial Breathwork
Forgiveness for Self & Others
Connectedness with all Things
Loving Relationship with the Moment
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