Located at base of spine. Earth energy grounds you into form and into the physical Now. This chakra influences health & vitality, and your ability to survive & thrive in the physical realm.

Earth is the element that grounds you into physical form. Earth gives shape and structure to consciousness; it grounds thought into matter. Earth manifests the physical aspects of this Now moment. Earth embodies structure, shape and form.
Earth is Home. It is the foundation upon which you stand. It is the source that provides you everything you need to survive & thrive in physical form. Earth is the great mother matrix that sustains your life and receives your body when it dies.
Earth is the element that governs the Root Chakra, which influences your physical health and vitality, how you get your needs met, engage healthy boundaries, and the relationship you have with the natural world.
Earth Practices for the Root Chakra
Eat Healthy Organic Foods
Get Your Needs Met in Vital Ways
Nurture Yourself & Others
Engage Healthy Boundaries
Spend Solo Time in Nature
Live in harmony with the Seasons
Be Still
themed photos & art creations to inspire you.