Located in the abdomen. Fire drives expression of power, purpose & ego in the world. This Chakra ignites your will to live with purpose & live in right action with your core values.

Fire is the true element of Alchemy; it transforms Matter into Light, Heat & Energy. Fire governs metabolism, the inner process that enables you to break down matter, and life experiences, into absorbable nutrients for assimilation & empowerment.
Fire is the element that stimulates the Solar Chakra. It is here where you get aligned with your core values, and direct your actions in the world with this intention and purpose. The Solar Chakra governs themes of Right Action & Right Relationship.
Fire governs the Ego, which provides you a sense of unique purpose & power in the world. A vital Solar Chakra supports the evolution of Ego, so that rather then being driven by an adolescent psyche, Ego can be a tool of transmission for your unique delivery system of soul into the world.
EcoSoul Experiences for the Solar Chakra
Engaged Purpose
Commitment to Core Values
Courageous Living
Right Action & Right Relationship
Community Service
Being Your Wild Indigenous Self
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themed photos & art creations to inspire you.