Collage & Mytho-Poetry Teachings

Buffalo calls me
to stand strong;
endure my mission.
Be present
and live my soul vows,
even when conditions
and environments
are challenging.
Alive Now
with determination
to channel soul expression,
through enduring commitment
and steadfast presence.
A lone creature
on the road of life;
fleshed out in the fullness
of my solitude.
A barrier of protection
covers me;
a tool that helps bare
the burden
of this hardship
of living.
Looking in the rearview
I see how the path
has led me to here.
Past & Future
reside in this moment,
forever spinning
through Infinity.
Solid and steady
I stand
in the stillness
I know this moment
is leading me forward
to some destination beyond,
however, my heavy hooves
can only touch
this ground
A queen sleeps
a deep slumber
under the earth
of my flesh.
Dreaming a living model forward
through this season
of my becoming
into my next version
of best.
I stand the ground
that protects her;
she percolates seeds
of kindness and service,
that sprout up
into this world
through my being.
Buffalo Elder
guards strong
and fierce,
the Queen essence
of my being.

Collage inspired by the direction of North on the Medicine Wheel