During Year 4 of my 8 year Underworld Journey
I was introduced to the Queen of Hearts.
I'd never worked with the archetype of Queen before.
It seemed way out of my reach,
and quite a bit egoic for me to claim
this type of energy in my life.
As I deepened my connection
with the Queen of Hearts she taught me
about the service aspect of being a Queen.
This sparked a deep resonance in me.
It was then that I initiated myself
into deep apprenticeship
with the archetype of Queen,
which became a guiding force
for my navigation through life.

I’ve worked with the Queen archetype
for the past 8 years now.
She gave me something to aspire to
as I was ascending from the depths
of my Underworld Journey.
She also gave me a model to stand in
during the initial years
of my MiddleWorld Apprenticeship,
of which I am in year 4
of an 8 year program.

Having the ambiance, guidance and companionship of Queen
as a core member of my Inner Council
has helped me in so many ways.
It helped me see what my higher ideals are
for people in leadership positions,
and it gave me a character model to aspire to.

One of the things I learned during the 2020 Pandemic
is that I am less than I thought I was.
I came to see that it is much easier
for a Queen to rule during times of peace
then it is during times of war,
which is what these past several years
have been in so many ways.
Recognizing that I do not have
the caliber or content of character
to claim the station of Queen in my life
introduced me to deep layer of sadness
and started me on a journey
through a big layer of ego death.
Going through various layers of grief
and feelings of failure around this
while also in solo quarantine for a year
intensified this ego death process for me even more.

Like the rule of Presidency in the USA,
someone can only serve
in that position of power for 8 years.
And so, as my tenure with the Queen
hits its 8 year mark,
I see it is time for her to retire
from my Inner Council.
I recently spent weeks in ceremony
honoring Queen for her guidance
in my life these past 8 years.
I washed her feet to prepare her
for her journey on to her next destination.
I sent her off with fanfare and song,
and quite a few tears as well.
In her absence,
I know a new guiding force
will come in to lead and inspire me
into the next phase of my life
as I start year 50 of my life adventure.

I'm grateful for the time I had with Queen
and wish her well as she lives
in the mind and hearts
of the many on this planet
that can serve her image well
and live the high standards she requires.
